Access The Data

To obtain annual and/or unit cost estimates use the menus below. You can select one or more states. If you would like an estimate for all states, then tick the boxes for each of the states. You can then choose the level of system that you are interested in by using the facility pull down menu. In the output menu you can choose between total cost or unit cost. In the parameter menu you can then choose to extract costs at different levels of capacity utilisation. You can also choose to extract costs broken down by inputs. All unit costs are mean values presented in Indian National Rupee (₹).
Note: If already registered please login or register to use the database.

*State Himachal Pradesh      |      Haryana      |      Punjab      |      Odisha      |      Kerala      |      Tamil Nadu      |     
*Facility *Output *Parameter

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  • Dept. of Community Medicine & School of Public Health PGIMER Chandigarh
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  • Dept. of Community Medicine & School of Public Health PGIMER Chandigarh
    Last modified :
    March 16 2023 04:14:33.
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