
Costing Studies

Published health care costing studies from India

1.Jyani G, Prinja S, Kar SS, et al Valuing health-related quality of life among the Indian population: a protocol for the Development of an EQ-5D Value set for India using an Extended design (DEVINE) Study BMJ Open 2020;10:e039517. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039517.

2.Dixit J, Jyani G, Prinja S, Sharma Y. Health Related Quality of life among Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease patients in India. (Forthcoming).

3. Singh MP, Chauhan AS, Rai B, Ghoshal S, Prinja S. Cost of Treatment for Cervical Cancer in India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2020;21(9):2639-2646. Published 2020 Sep 1. doi:10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.9.2639.

4. Jyani G, Chauhan AS, Rai B, Ghoshal S, Srinivasan R, Prinja S. Health-related quality of life among cervical cancer patients in India. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Aug 11:ijgc-2020-001455. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2020-001455. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32788265.

5. Bahuguna P, Khaduja, Prinja S. Economic Analysis of Delivering Postpartum Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Services in India. Indian J Commun Med. 2019; 44 (2): 147-51

6. Chugh Y, Dhiman RK, Premkumar M, Prinja S, Grover GS, Bahuguna P. Real-world cost-effectiveness of pan-genotypic Sofosbuvir-Velpatasvir combination versus genotype dependent directly acting anti-viral drugs for treatment of hepatitis C patients in the universal coverage scheme of Punjab state in India. PLoS One. 2019; 14(8): e0221769.

7. Sharma A, Prinja S, Sharma A, Gupta A, Arora S. Cost of Anti-Retroviral Treatment for HIV Patients in two treatment centres of North India. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 2019. 30(8):769-778.

8. Prinja S, Chauhan AS, Bahuguna P, Selvaraj S, Muraleedharan VR, Sundararaman T. Cost of Delivering Secondary Healthcare Through the Public Sector in India. Pharmacoecon Open. 2019 Aug 29. doi: 10.1007/s41669-019-00176-9.

9. Prinja S, Sharma YP, Dixit J, Thingnam SS, Kumar R. Cost of treatment of valvular heart disease at a tertiary hospital in North India: Policy Implications. Pharmacoeconomics Open. 2019.

10. Prinja S, Gupta A, Bahuguna P, Nimesh R. Cost analysis of implementing mHealth intervention for maternal, newborn & child health care through community health workers: assessment of ReMIND program in Uttar Pradesh, India. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2018 Oct 3;18(1):390.

11. Kaur G, Prinja S, Malhotra P, Lad DP, Prakash G, Khadwal A, Ramachandran R, Varma S. Cost of Treatment of Multiple Myeloma in a Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospital of North India.Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2018 Jan;34(1):25-31.

12. Chauhan AS, Prinja S, Ghoshal S, Verma R, Oinam AS. Cost of treatment for head and neck cancer in India. PLoS One. 2018;13(1):e0191132.

13. Kaur G, Prinja S, Ramachandran R, Malhotra P, Gupta KL, Jha V. Cost of hemodialysis in a public sector tertiary hospital of India. Clin Kidney J. 2018;11(5):726-733.

14. Prinja S, Bahuguna P, Duseja A, Kaur M, Chawla YK. Cost of Intensive Care Treatment for Liver Disorders at Tertiary Care Level in India. Pharmacoecon Open.2018;2(2):179-190.

15. Prinja S, Gupta A, Bahuguna P, Nimesh R. Cost analysis of implementing mHealth intervention for maternal, newborn & child health care through community health workers: assessment of ReMIND program in Uttar Pradesh, India.BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2018 Oct 3;18(1):390. doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-2019-3.

16. Kaur G, Prinja S, Ramachandran R, Malhotra M, Gupta KL, Jha V. Cost of hemodialysis in a public sector tertiary hospital of India. Clinical Kidney Journal. Clin Kidney J. 2018 Oct; 11(5): 726–733.doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfx152.

17. Jeet G, Prinja S, Aggarwal AK. Cost analysis of a simulation based training for Health workforce in India. Indian J Public Health. 2017. Apr-Jun;61(2):92-98. doi: 10.4103/ijph.IJPH_189_15.

18. Prinja S, Balasubramanian D, Jeet G, Verma R, Kumar D, Bahuguna P, et al. Cost of delivering secondary-level health care services through public sector district hospitals in India. Indian J Med Res. 2017 Sep;146(3):354-361.

19. Sangwan A, Prinja S, Aggarwal S, Jagnoor J, Bahuguna P, Ivers R. Cost of Trauma Care in Secondary- and Tertiary-Care Public Sector Hospitals in North India. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2017;15(5):681-692.

20. Prinja S, Gupta A, Verma R, Bahuguna P, Kumar D, Kaur M, Kumar R. Cost of Delivering Health Care Services in Public Sector Primary and Community Health Centres in North India. PLoS One. 2016;11(8):e0160986.

21. Thakur J, Prinja S, Jeet G, Bhatnagar N. Costing of a State-Wide Population Based Cancer Awareness and Early Detection Campaign in a 2.67 Million Population of Punjab State in Northern India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(2):791-7.

22. Prinja S, Jeet G, Verma R, Kumar D, Bahuguna P, Kaur M, et al. Economic analysis of delivering primary health care services through community health workers in 3 North Indian states. PLoS One 2014; 9 : e91781.

23. Prinja S, Mazumder S, Taneja S, Bahuguna P, Bhandari N, Mohan P, et al. Cost of delivering child health care through community level health workers: How much extra does IMNCI program cost? J Trop Pediatr 2013; 59 : 489-9.

24. Chatterjee S, Laxminarayan R. Costs of surgical procedures in Indian hospitals. BMJ Open. 2013;3(6). pii: e002844.

26. Prinja S, Manchanda N, Mohan P, Gupta G, Sethy G, Sen A, van den Hombergh H, Kumar R. Cost of neonatal intensive care delivered through district level public hospitals in India. Indian Pediatr. 2013;50(9):839-46.

27. Chatterjee S, Levin C, Laxminarayan R. Unit cost of medical services at different hospitals in India. PLoS One. 2013;8(7):e69728.

28. Prinja S, Manchanda N, Aggarwal AK, Kaur M, Jeet G, Kumar R. Cost & efficiency evaluation of a publicly financed & publicly delivered referral transport service model in three districts of Haryana State, India. Indian J Med Res. 2013;138(6):1003-11.

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